Architect Design Kft
Front-End development for ASIC/ FPGA applications
Who we are
Architect design is a relatively new consulting company based in Budapest, Hungary, providing front-end design solutions for companies in the semiconductor segment. The company was formulated in 2017, but within these few years it made successful contributions to projects of well known, industry leader companies. The company works with independent, but highly skilled subcontractors on a project basis.
What can we offer
Front-End development for ASIC/ FPGA applications
Custom module design in verilog or vhdl, utilizing amba infrastucture (AXI, AXIS, APB)
Module and top level verifications using directed / randomized test cases in systemverilog test environment
UVM test/ testbench development/ regression/ metrix driven verification
Specman testbench development/ verification (as above)
Implementation of front -end design in Xilinx FPGA (Artix-7, Ultrascale)
Embedded system development in Xilinx SDK (microblaze, arm )
Our key competencies
Our references
We participated in projects of European semiconductor companies
Work opportunities

We are looking for contractors with the following qualifications/ skills:
- Master of Sciences in Electronics Engineering
- Fluent English
- RTL design engineer (verilog and/ or vhdl)
- Verification engineer (UVM or Specman)
If interested, send your cv to
Connect with us
Architect Design kft,
Stefania u 57/ B
1143 Budapest, Hungary
If you are interested, please contact us via this website,
Alternatively you may send us a mail to ‘